Author Archives: martinoregan

The struggle

There is a battle I fight every day

Sometimes I lose, sometimes I win;

Now let me explain.

In my fantasies, not disturbed, but disturbing

I sometimes find my muscles twitch,

my jaw clench tight, the grit of enamel.

I’m seized, in seizure, I’m a victim!

But every day I realise this battle

And at times I control it. Then it’s another.

The battle within! The battle within!

To wing, to music

Against the half-opened blind in the skylight

A predatory bird sails across the blue canvas.

The wild – framed by this room

Where my baby played music

By pulling on a string –

The garden birds running scared…

I imagine

I imagine negativity

Places I have been,

Or imagine being.

I imagine I’m the victim

Picked on by the pack

While the Alpha dog kicks back.

I imagine people forcing me

To accept what they have said

Although I disagree.

I imagine I am judged

By those same people who have tried

To rob me of my dignity.

I imagine those called friends

Will let their fear our great bond end

I imagine friendships then.

I trust in very little

But that which I trust in –

I imagine it’s enough.

Untitled 5

The man’s music,

strung out,


across the square

across the tracks

And it may

even have reached


for some stood staring,

perhaps wondering,

perhaps wagering

as to who’d

be first to crack…

The man or his audience.

‘No name’ cafe*

That cafe there
Where am I?


On Podmaniczky utca, near the corner with Teréz körút I’m perched facing West to South West as the road runs. I can make out from the street signs yonder that Jókai utca parellels the körút, but I already knew this. I just now, however, decided to write about this: Jókai utca to Jókai tér and Nagymező down farther being more than familiar to me on my late night excursions.

I find myself sitting street side at a cafe which I’ve been to before. The TV plays reruns of matches; I hate that, I always have, especially when the game was boring the first time round.

Cars pass up and down as do trolley buses. The tram runs to my back. I know it. I’ll not take it now. It’s the metro I’ll be needing in less than 5 minutes.

I finish my wine, a white – the only dry they had –, I peep over the shoulder of a man in front catching Zorba’s restaurant in my glance. Those are other stories.

This place, this cafe, has changed from what I knew. My favourite perch just inside the window, where I sat with Andi watching the snow, where I sat alone writing, has been altered. A low table, those knee high abominations, now sits in place of me. The chairs no doubt comfortable do little to lure me. I hate having to bend every time I want to take a drink. Abominations I tell you!!! The bar has also changed though admittedly moving the service entrance away from the front door is a good idea.

I scribble these last few words, pleased to have sat, and perhaps destined to have had the street experience. The rain threatens, the heat cools and I must run before I’m late. Good teaching!


*In all my time I’ve never noticed a name so the directions given here are the best clue to finding it that I can give.

To the beat of a different drum

dob utca cafe
let time pass you by


This fits into the cosy bracket, perhaps a little too cosy. One could try swinging a cat in here but I’d recommend at least a kitten, and at that a Manx kitten!

Leading in the door one can avail of 3 tables along the wall, for two people really as three would block the passageway. Set high in the far left corner there’s a bench allowing customers the option to sit above the bar, it being at the lower rib level here, a clear view behind the bar and of the workings therein. Up the steps on your immediate left of entry sits another table barely managing to seat two but with stools provided nonetheless. This is a window seat extraordinaire allowing you the feel of the street from within relative comfort. Dob utca, being narrow, it amounts to an ambience rushing to the interior. Upstairs there is further seating but I didn’t dare, it seemed dark and lonely in those ascendant regions.

In truth I was first drawn to this place by a friend who, himself, has become somewhat of a regular, if not resident. Well known among the staff the banter among them flows allowing the place to grow in one’s heart even if the Manx kitten is still not getting much in return. To top it off the bar itself, provides fresh coffee – loyalty card included – and fresh croissants as well as a variety of other pastries and sandwiches. I know I’ll visit this place again and not just for the sit down stand-up comedian or the friendly staff. Those are just the bonuses one learns to take in one’s stride on the road to enlightenment.


Intensive course advertisement

Finally, this is, what lots of you were asking for – Intensive 2 day English course with Native Teacher

This a chance for you to:

• Learn to communicate at the most effective level.

• Learn to think (and dream) in English.

• Never be afraid to use all the English that you know. The biggest mistake you can make is to not speak.

• Be more comfortable in groups of English speakers, either native or non-native.

• Be able to understand the English language in a variety of contexts.

• Be able to understand English in different media, for example newspaper, radio, TV, internet etc.

• Never be afraid of your pronunciation again!

Remember that the best to way improve is to constantly use your English so get a head start here with my intensive courses.

Grammar will feature on the course but will not dominate. Speaking communication is a priority!

Homework activities will focus on class work and will be a requirement (where applicable).

The four skills of Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking will be dealt with capably on these courses.

You will be required to use English at all times as this helps to create a truly intensive English experience.

You will have a 4 hour morning intensive class each day which will include aspects of grammar, vocabulary building, listening and speaking.

There will also be a 2 hour afternoon session which will be a more activity based lesson with students being able to avail of roleplay, debates, etc, all centred on the communicative method.

There will be a 1 hour lunch break between the morning and the afternoon sessions.

These courses will take place in a City Centre location in Budapest* (and other cities where applicable).

All course locations will be within walking distance of main public transport locations.

As I already give very competitive prices on individual courses I would like to extend this philosophy into my group intensive.


The breakdown is as follows:

Per hour intensive (morning) – 2000 HUF

Per hour intensive (afternoon) – 1500 HUF

Early bookings get a 10% discount.

Group intensives in my experience helps students to see exactly where they stand in terms of their general capability in a target language. Being in an environment in an intensive language structure always pushes a student that little bit further in order to keep up with the pace of the class.

Whereas group classes are level based as a teacher it is my job to make sure that each student, regardless of learning speed, will get the full benefit from these courses.

Group size: 8 – 12 students maximum!!!

*As this particular course (18-19 August) is in Budapest it is going to be much cheaper!

A ‘road’ by any other name

Pitypang utca…on 29 bus line

Why this street in particular caught my attention has nothing to do with what’s nearby, not even that a famous writer took up residence here (if there was one I’d like to know), but that to an English speaker’s eye the actual street name could, in certain circles, and for reasons of mere hilarity, take on a whole other significance.

You see in English both the words ‘pity’ and ‘pang’ exist and to put it briefly they, in concert, would seem to suggest a physical discomfort caused by a rush of sorrow for somebody. What, if anything could this mean? Come with me!

In fact, placing these two words together in English can make a lot of sense and where a person is particularly sensitive this could even be considered a physical, emotional, or on a greater scale, a psychological condition. A pitypang could cause a physical manifestation with a display of fresh tears, not unlike women (me never! just dust in my eye) weeping to every romantic comedy ever made. The emotional reaching deeper could put one’s spirit off tilt for a period of time, one to an immeasurable number of days, not unlike…! However, the final disposition, itself entering the realm of madness could make certain people a lot of money even if the final prognosis is no more enlightening than it was some thousands of dollars, pounds, euros (remember them?) before.

We can of course have pangs of hunger, pangs of guilt and maybe having pangs of hunger on a medium income can cause pangs of guilt when we realise that we are, regardless of our immediate state, a lot better off than 90% of the world.

Anyway on a bus one evening coming home from work, looking up from my book, the sun nearly in my eyes, I managed to glimpse this sign and from that moment this moment ensued. “And that has made all the difference.”

P.S. Pitypang is the Hungarian word for Dandelion…by the way

Untitled 4

In time there would be nothing,

not of me not of anybody,

if that’s what life dared to promise us.

In truth I don’t care ’bout that,

the resigned state of pessimism,

call it reality of fact, I don’t care!

The great movement of living;

those Carpe Diem so few.

Poets, lovers, people all,

and forgotten.

Don’t label it irresponsiblity

because you’re afraid to experience.

Call it life, call it different,

just not yours.

In time I’ll be gone

With the rest of them too,

A collected bundle of bones, dust and ashes.

In truth I have loved

but of them very few

would I dare to summon-

to my bed at the end.


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