Breakfast or not

Breakfast or not

TIFFANY’S in the Batthyány tér market hall offers airiness and comfort without the hustle and bustle of the Plaza cafes. It’s set off from the rest of the shops on the first floor and, if standing, there is a view which carries one across to the parliament buildings on the Pest bank opposite. In fact, for many tourists, a photo of said building at river level is best obtained from here, by here I mean the bank wall on Bem rákpart.

Through the window another photo is possible, made perhaps more atmospheric through the dusty glass, but with the foreground that includes the comings and goings of this Buda-side public transport hub. Buses run to and fro around the square while a tram at the bank takes one south on what can be at ponits a very picturesque tram ride.

NOW as for the cafe itself there are seats leading in from the pedestrian way around the floor, islands in their way extending out from the area, itself a stylised island, three quarters open with the part nearest the windows closed off to counter service,instead alllowing for a gallery area providing more seating.

Staff are friendly with one particular chap, though a tad stern-faced, quite welcoming of my mashed Hungarian. A smile on such a frown is almost unsettling as it is relieving.

Prices are to the level of the square it located in with coffees starting at 350huf while teas of flighty pretensions starting at 590huf. A bottled beer, Soproni, is 390huf and this is for the 500ml which is the price list’s most positive surprise.

In a nutshell, a place for an intimate chat away from the congestion of other cafes nearby, and a step off escape routes up and down , as well as, across river if required.




The Horror

The Horror

The pleasant day expressed

in the smiles of passengers.

Babes asleep, breasts all pert,

the Spring-time thickening.

The on and off from stop to stop

I smile inside – it’s life.

But what bitterness has brought me to this juncture,

where I peel back the pleasantries

and vent again, once more:

the words contorted – I am afraid

for I’ve had dreams

of which I cannot speak.



The Black Fume

The Black Fume

Degree drops from

The digital display.

Once as hot as hell

Now unbearably less.

There is a coolness

For the damned.

In the soft yellow-orange of sunset,

There may yet be respite.

For the meek there

Is nothing, not till

The very end.

They don’t shelter

In the glory of shadows

And the rising and the setting

of all things celestial.

Their wait is longer –

Bound in time,

If legitimate,

But maybe not their lifetime,

And therefore,

They may never know.

“If I die into nothing

I will forever remain ignorant,

Unknowing as to

My own fate.”


[And this will be the only true infinity. Timeless. Unbound. Nothing!]



No Distance

No Distance

I cannot leave behind what I have not forsaken

And so it is, that

While the distance grows most physical

I’ll be by you

As you by me

Our hearts not tempered

By the sheer


And bitterness

Of other people’s





Out off the blocks,

trembling forward.

The grace robbed

by the memory.

The mind inspired,


to repetition,

stretching, exercising,


The force of the road –


the joints warn,

send signals

of doubt,

perhaps shame.

They wanted to be

but couldn’t,

at least not


The snowfall

unexpected, yet

not surprising:

there was a hint

at this,

even forecasted.

But the heavy flakes

stain the scene

allowing a litter,

confetti curtain,

A Monday morning’s





There was little I could do

beyond listen to the sighs.

My mind fatigued was not

about to offer up surprise.

Instead I surrendered in myself

the chalice of my mind –

up to the break of day’s delight,

up to the end of time.



Good God!

Highfalutin promises
predictably denied,
and the bell
and the feet stomped,
on and on.
Ignorant, tolerant-
the two worlds fused,
till the negative
and positive
Man to think again
life to soar again
beyond the known
realms of a
All hail our Deity
the one true calamity
who could’ve
given life,
given choice,
but needn’t have
included our
flawed humanity!




The failing virtue

measured by the

rising vice.

Both in place

according to the

guilt complex.

And so a mind

made redundant seeks

to balance

the equation.

In search of


it shakes its

heathen flag

against the

grey sky of

an early morn.

Beyond the traffic’s


there floats to

reason, alms:

the supplication


through the toxic


In search again

in search as


Enlightened I

shall carry

opposites – as questions –

in a gently tightened


ready to pulse,

to fizz,

to judge.

Ready to open –


The palm.




That death may liberate me

into the brief eternity.

When spiritually inclined,

I’ll fade

And, fundamentally, then

I’m dead:

And all my life before will cease,

and nothing more will exist to me.

At least this, and nothing more.

Nothing else it is I’m looking for.

The rotten truth

the freedom set,

my bones to ashes

will be met,

and cycle, circles,

nowt profound…

Just life itself

in the round and round.

Earth to self and sun

and stars.

What suffering now

Will, no one cares:

But, alas this lesson

yet to learn

for those who hope

in others yearn.

A life once got

ever anon.

A moment spent

too soon is gone.


But maybe memory is all.

In cellular derived

and growth

so up again from

ashes drawn.

Up again to

life once more!




On a cold grey balcony
on a cold grey afternoon
sitting snuggly, on
the edge of chill –
with a new grey
and a cup of earl grey tea,
a breeze for a second
took my attention from reading.
The tea’s paper tag
‘black tea’ it announced
fluttered in this breeze
on a white window.
The air still and colourless
but grey at its depth –
white and black
all shift to grey –
as I sat back,
reading my book of
short stories.
The briefest of moments
just then captured me
and the slightest of breezes
moved me to think
moved my environment,
The fine hairs on my cheeks;
I felt its freshness
its message.
I was alive.



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