In The Beginning
I am God! I have always been A designer in fact Of my own destiny Open to chance A brittle reality Shattered distorted By time And thought I am God! The Alpha Omega  The rendering And sundering The dream in the haze The far flung shadows And the stark Clear reality Defined by my ways I am God! A devil in failure A harm to the innocent Around me Inside me My thoughts  Needling me Creating reality Self-propagating By mine own hand designed I am God! Therefore powerful But left alone in the sandpit Of my doubt Grown unstable I'm reinvented Become human Lost my way In the wilderness Not emergent empo [more]
Notes on a bus going somewhere… again
I cried, and cried really - fitfully, Frightened of the night to come  And days to follow. I cared not for friends  And how they would comfort me,  For I had thrown away a love. A life once mapped in notion Now lost to fantasy  To regret  To the shadows of another being  For he and I no longer identified  For good or bad, he was a different man  And so it was my soul  That bled asunder  Wrent by my own wretched hands  My tongue in fact  My thoughts - My future for a cigarette.  Could it really have been that banal?  A voice, in answer, on a phone some weeks later blamed me anyway. © The Hairy Teacher, (revised 8/1 [more]
Notes on a bus going somewhere… again
I cried, and cried really - fitfully, Frightened of the night to come  And days to [more]
The last time I saw Roy
It might've been the last time I saw him That trip up north along the coast, At least at [more]
the opportunities to move beyond the dream strangled again [more]
The meal for two Once lasted for days Disappearing quite suddenly In a drunken haze [more]
Right now I can't remember- And I'm trying not to care. [more]
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