I am God!
I have always been
A designer in fact
Of my own destiny
Open to chance
A brittle reality
Shattered distorted
By time
And thought
I am God!
The Alpha Omega
The rendering
And sundering
The dream in the haze
The far flung shadows
And the stark
Clear reality
Defined by my ways
I am God!
A devil in failure
A harm to the innocent
Around me
Inside me
My thoughts
Needling me
Creating reality
By mine own hand designed
I am God!
Therefore powerful
But left alone in the sandpit
Of my doubt
Grown unstable
I’m reinvented
Become human
Lost my way
In the wilderness
Not emergent empowered
Rather weak uncertain
Flesh and bone
I am fearful
By mine own hand
Now I’m mortal
© The Hairy Teacher, 8/3/22 , a 29-es buszon, Hűvösvölgy felé (updated 23/2/25)