Category Archives: Writing

A collection of everything

Lines beneath an L.Cohen poem

I’d wanted to write on this page from the moment I opened this book

But I restrained myself, instead allowing myself, rather forcing myself

To read till the end of the poem.

The problem was my impatience,

Till that was subverted by interest and

I forgot what it was I had wanted to write.

In truth I guess I had only a notion

Something, some fleeting romantic attempt – at poetry.

Well being that it’s gone, this urge, this feeling,

I present this – My reality!

The struggle

There is a battle I fight every day

Sometimes I lose, sometimes I win;

Now let me explain.

In my fantasies, not disturbed, but disturbing

I sometimes find my muscles twitch,

my jaw clench tight, the grit of enamel.

I’m seized, in seizure, I’m a victim!

But every day I realise this battle

And at times I control it. Then it’s another.

The battle within! The battle within!

To wing, to music

Against the half-opened blind in the skylight

A predatory bird sails across the blue canvas.

The wild – framed by this room

Where my baby played music

By pulling on a string –

The garden birds running scared…

I imagine

I imagine negativity

Places I have been,

Or imagine being.

I imagine I’m the victim

Picked on by the pack

While the Alpha dog kicks back.

I imagine people forcing me

To accept what they have said

Although I disagree.

I imagine I am judged

By those same people who have tried

To rob me of my dignity.

I imagine those called friends

Will let their fear our great bond end

I imagine friendships then.

I trust in very little

But that which I trust in –

I imagine it’s enough.

Untitled 5

The man’s music,

strung out,


across the square

across the tracks

And it may

even have reached


for some stood staring,

perhaps wondering,

perhaps wagering

as to who’d

be first to crack…

The man or his audience.

Untitled 4

In time there would be nothing,

not of me not of anybody,

if that’s what life dared to promise us.

In truth I don’t care ’bout that,

the resigned state of pessimism,

call it reality of fact, I don’t care!

The great movement of living;

those Carpe Diem so few.

Poets, lovers, people all,

and forgotten.

Don’t label it irresponsiblity

because you’re afraid to experience.

Call it life, call it different,

just not yours.

In time I’ll be gone

With the rest of them too,

A collected bundle of bones, dust and ashes.

In truth I have loved

but of them very few

would I dare to summon-

to my bed at the end.


Untitled 3

The bells didn’t really toll for me,

they didn’t really toll for anybody.

At least not far as I could see

but I’d been blind since infancy.

Maybe a harpist can

make it this way.

Or maybe I’m just a slave to passion.

I would take it

as each passing day,

a constant wonder with its grave indecision.


Untitled 2

A rumbling, a murmuring,

the old and the new.

A rattling, a rippling,

that share the same hue.

Progression, obsession,

the life’s daily grind.

Advisor, contriver,

the truth’s hard to find.

A beauty, a bounty,

a conflict with lust.

Surrender, asunder,

when dreams turn to dust.

Untitled 1

Early on a Friday morning

The murmuring began.

„Don’t go to school today my friend.

Today let’s have some fun!”

„But I’m the teacher” I proclaimed,

„ And without me then there’s none.”

„So be it” that damned voice continued,

„They’ll not miss you, not anyone!”

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