Tag Archives: teaching

Holnap és hónap Nagy iX

Holnap és hónap Nagy iX

What did the orange say to the apple at bedtime?
Sweet dreams.
Maybe it could work as a joke. Perhaps it should be a sour cherry talking to a normal cherry, or even the other way around for a piss-take. Am I making any sense?
Let’s go back to the beginning.
Fábry: Ferihegy! Ki a Feri és hol van a hegy?
It was the first Hungarian joke I got and while Fábry may have his detractors, he remains for me the bridge to Hungarian humor. Again, I imagine, many Hungarians clambering to assure me that this is not the quintessence of Hungarian wit and while I’m sure it’s not, as a foreigner getting a joke in the target language (however basic and unsophisticated…yawn) is the greater achievement. And listen maybe I am a paraszt in the Hungarian derogatory sense. Yokel, slack-jaw, redneck…you choose. I don’t quite get the Little Aggressive Pig jokes. I’m merely of the opinion that that tool is a twat and he reminds too much of somebody unpleasant. Maybe this is the point… Maybe I’m still in the dark.
Anyway, why I brought up the original orange and apple “joke” was because years ago after drinking cider with my brother-in-common-law, I later texted him Szép alma-kat. He got it, and I had achieved a result, an originally coined joke in the target language. As for Fábry, feck* that bunkó ember 😁.
Now, trying the joke in Hungarian I might have said:
Mit mondott a narancs az almának a lefekvés ideje előtt (Google translate helped me)?
Szép almákat.
If you are Hungarian and you’re not laughing, you’re humourless, or worse you’re racist! (Didn’t say I was going to box fair now, did I?😁)
Conclusion: As a teacher, going the road of teaching jokes is dark and dangerous and only few of your charges will ever understand, or worse, pretend to.
As a student, be prepared for the fact that your joke is only funny to other target language as a foreign language learners. The native may be forever left flummoxed. Don’t try to over-explain it. That just leads to embarrassment, or worse, anger and murderous rage. Well, hopefully that last part is an example of exaggeration.
Conclusion on the conclusion: As a teacher stick to the slapstick and if people insist on its base essence remind them of the comic genius of Charlie Chaplin, and be prepared to throw them an Andy Kauffman curveball (or Andy’s equivalent in your native tongue).
And remember, teach like you want to not like you have to.

A letter to any listener

A letter to any listener

Hi there

How are you? How’s tricks? How’s the family, or not? How now brown cow! Any news? Well, apart from the usual nonsense…

[Blah blah blah]

Anyway, as for the teaching regulations I seem to have avoided their web for another while and am still in the white as far as invoicing goes but it’s becoming more and more difficult. If the companies are spooked then rather than jump through the legal hoops they’ll just jump ship. As far back as 2011 there was a change in the law which meant that companies to whom I issued invoices had to cover my health insurance payments. A funny thing about it was that in some cases this seemed not to be true, while others, believing the initial rumours, wanted instead to pay me in black. Two years on the companies that stayed with me have had no trouble so whatever shadow had passed over in those dark ’11s had dissipated…only to loom much larger as of Sept 1st this year…when, indeed, the law stated much more specifically that people of my disposition, the idiots-for-honesty, were most definitely dis-entitled to issue invoices with the trademark “nyelvoktatás” code. Instead in a frantic scramble for legitimacy another existing code was sought out and came in the guise of “egyéb oktatás”. That there is a clear distinction between the two is obvious in the way of spelling, and may even be supported semantically, but to say that what I actually do has gone from being “language” teaching to “other” rings of something sinister. I see myself in a coutroom some time down the line pleading innocence in the light of allegations of some newly contrived perversion as distinguished by an ever-enlightening-ruling-elite (the word government ringing too much of communist ideologies by that time). That my case will hinge on the ominous term “other education” will certainly be my downfall and as I am dragged away by my oppressors I will rage loudly and invoke the honest Hungarians now resident in Slovakia (and other Trianon treated regions) who at once in a darker past woke one morning to find themselves strangers in a strange land, and note that in my own demise I may take heart that I am not alone. A man made criminal, a man made foreigner, in my case to the profession that I once purported to be be qualified to do.

For now I do bid you adieu.

Martin of the Magyars


Advertising and gender roles

My Site

In what way does this advertisement reverse the perceived male/female stereotypes?

Explore the themes of adoration and degradation in terms of this ad?

What is the difference between a sex symbol and a status symbol?

On the idea of brains or beauty which would you prefer to have? Or have in your partner?

Does confidence outweigh intelligence in business, in everything for that matter?


  1. What do they always do?
  2. Why does he feel used?
  3. Does he always want to do what they want?
  4. What would he like to do sometimes?
  5. „Women are pigs.” Discuss.

Put these expressions in sentences: to take advantage/to feel used/ to be seen as/cosy

My Site

  1. Before watching the video make a list of the stereotypes/ characteristics most often associated with women and men.
  2. Watch/ listen to the video and try to list as many of the personality traits/ stereotypes as possible that you hear.
  3. Compare your first list and that of the video. Did they differ greatly, or not? Why? Why not?
  4. Below are a list of some of the words used in the video. Which would you usually associate with which sex?

Promiscuous   Determined   Feminine   Permissive   Dominant   Hot-headed   Sensitivity   Timid   Hegemony   Nurturer

Apathy   chaste   forsaker   intolerant   hesitant   subservience   easy-going   brave   masculine  minor






A little explanation

Why not

To those of you who have come to my webpage as students I do realise that some of the material here is difficult but as to the themes written about I would be more than willing to help you understand and discuss them with you further. In truth this site is a good place for my creative writing as well as advertising my teaching. In time I hope to develop a student oriented forum but till then use the comment boxes at the end of any of the posts to make any suggestions, or go to my email address: martinoregan75@gmail.com. You can also find me on Facebook, The Hairy Teacher, so Like me and let’s begin to develop together.

Thanks for your time and patience.


Untitled 1

Early on a Friday morning

The murmuring began.

„Don’t go to school today my friend.

Today let’s have some fun!”

„But I’m the teacher” I proclaimed,

„ And without me then there’s none.”

„So be it” that damned voice continued,

„They’ll not miss you, not anyone!”

The local ‘kitchen’

Hungarian Cuisine?


Not a fan of this translation, kitchen, for what I’ve always used myself, cuisine, it has become harder and harder to ignore. Now as it goes for teaching you’ll never hear me use the cursed phrase ‘I like Hungarian kitchen’, not alluding I assure you to anything negative about the food itself, just that kitchen has always been the place in a house, not the dishes of a region or country.

Eg: My mother’s in the kitchen trying to cook some Italian dish. Good luck!

Cuisine is the word I use when it comes to expressing that collective, the food of, as I mentioned, some country or other.

Eg: I’m particularly fond of French cuisine.

Now speaking of French I’m well aware of the etymology, and furthermore realise that in some quarters at least there is that shift away from the French influence on English. And here I don’t mean in the US where English is particularly different with Spanish being, perhaps, an influencing factor there. I’m referring to Britain where more and more people are using napkin over serviette, for example. On this latter I’m not the stalwart but I’m staying put on cuisine





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